Periods are no luxury!

Periods are no luxury! Since the end of last semester, the period product dispenser has been hanging in the "ladies" toilet of the university library. Here, menstruating people can collect period products free of charge. The pilot project was implemented by the anti-discrimination department of the Student Council, together with the Equal Opportunity Office of the University of Erfurt and the administration.

This was the beginning, but it won't stop there, because more donors will follow.



The topic of periods is still associated with shame and "embarrassment", in addition to the financial disadvantages caused by periods. 23% of menstruating people in Germany perceive the purchase of period products as a financial burden (PLAN International and WASH). That is almost one in four people. Despite this, period poverty is still taboo and hardly ever discussed in Germany. This must change! Free period products help to remove the taboo surrounding menstruation and strengthen the equality of menstruating people within the university.

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