Holder of the Chair of German and European Civil and Commercial Law (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)


C03 – Lehrgebäude 1 / Raum 0202

+49 361 737-4709

Office hours

Sprechstunden (auch per Telefon, Videochat oder einem Spaziergang) können individuell vereinbart werden.

Visiting address

Universität Erfurt
Hieranaplatz 1
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Deutsches und Europäisches Zivil- und Wirtschaftsrecht
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Deputy Chairman (Untersuchungskommission gemäß Ethikkodex zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis)

Chairman of the BA Examination Committee (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)


C03 – Lehrgebäude 1 / Raum 0202

Office hours

nach Vereinbarung

Speaker of the Law programme (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)


C03 – Lehrgebäude 1 / Raum 0202

+49 361 737-4709

Office hours

nach Voranmeldung per E-Mail im Sekretariat (susann.storz@uni-erfurt.de) unter Angabe des Anliegens (Stichpunkte) und der voraussichtlichen Dauer des Gesprächs.

Visiting address

Universität Erfurt
Hieranaplatz 1
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Deutsches und Europäisches Zivil- und Wirtschaftsrecht
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Prof. Dr. Maik Wolf

Main research areas

Antitrust, competition and regulatory law, with a focus on the digitalisation of markets and artificial intelligence, as well as interfaces with intellectual property law and the field of law and sustainability.


  • Holder of the Chair of German and European Civil and Commercial Law at the University of Erfurt (since 2021)
  • Habilitation at the Free University of Berlin (2020)
  • Deputy Chair of Civil Law, Antitrust, Energy and Labour Law at the TU Dresden (2017-2021)
  • Assistant professor for civil law and intellectual property law at the Free University of Berlin (2012-2021)
  • Doctorate at the Free University of Berlin (2009)
  • Research employee at the Institute for German and European Economic, Competition and Regulatory Law at the Free University of Berlin (2004-2012)
  • Legal clerkship at the Berlin Court of Appeal
  • Studied law at the Free University of Berlin


Monographs and editorships

  • Festbeigabe für Franz Jürgen Säcker, Berlin 2006, editor (together with Dr iur. Katharina Vera Boesche and PD Dr iur. Jens Thomas Füller)
  • Casebook on European and German competition law - case by case, 2008, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker
  • Efficiencies and European merger control. The integration capacity of an "efficiency defence" under competition law using the example of horizontal mergers. At the same time, a contribution to the critical specification of a "more economic approach", Baden-Baden 2009 (doctoral thesis)
  • Integrated Energy Supply in Closed Distribution Networks - On the Legislator's Room for Manoeuvre for the Revision of Section 110 EnWG in the Light of the Third EC Energy Package, Frankfurt a.M. et al. 2009, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker
  • UWG und Markenrecht in Fällen, 2009, (ed. and author) together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker
  • Antitrust Law in Cases, 2010, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker
  • Concession agreements in the system of European and German competition law, Frankfurt a.M. et al. 2010, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker and Dr iur. Jochen Mohr

Commentaries and contributions to handbooks (latest edition)

  • Munich Commentary on European and German Competition Law, Volume 1: European Competition Law, 4th ed. 2023
    • Art. 101 (3) TFEU - Exemption
    • Art. 101 (1) TFEU - Vertical distribution agreements
    • The relationship between competition law and unfair competition law
    • The relationship between competition law and fundamental freedoms and intellectual property law
  • Munich Commentary on European and German Competition Law, Volume 2: GWB, 4th ed. 2022
    • § SECTION 18 ARC
    • § Section 19 (1), (2) nos. 2-4 ARC
    • § Section 19a ARC
  • Munich Commentary on European and German Competition Law, Volume 3: Public Procurement Law I, 4th ed. 2022
    • § Section 108 GWB - In-house procurement (together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker)
  • Munich Commentary on European and German Competition Law, Volume 5: State Aid Law, 4th ed. 2022
    • Services of general economic interest (SGEI)
  • European State Aid Law (English), 1st ed. 2016
    • Services of general economic interest
  • Berlin Commentary on Energy Law, 4th edition 2019, Volume 1
    • § Section 110 EnWG
    • § Section 3 no. 24a and 24b
    • Art. 101 TFEU - Vertical agreements in the energy sector
  • Berlin Commentary on Energy Law, 3rd edition 2014
    • Art. 102 TFEU in the energy sector
  • Handbook on German-Russian energy law, 2010
    • The division of the relevant electricity markets
    • Connection and access regulation: Non-discriminatory, transparent access to the electricity supply networks
  • Baur/Salje/Schmidt-Preuß (eds.), Regulation in the energy industry, 2nd ed. 2015
    • Closed distribution grids
    • Grid definition and customer facilities

Other individual contributions (essays, contributions to anthologies, etc.)

  • Deceptive packaging in the age of sustainable consumer expectations, WRP 2024, 1045 Link

  • The prohibitions of abuse of the price brake laws (§ 39 StromPBG, § 27 EWPBG) in the system of general competition law, ZWeR 2023, 398

  • Report on the competitive situation in the field of electricity generation in 2022 (Market Power Report 2022), EnK-Aktuell 2023, 010237

  • On the way to an algorithmised concept of competition?, in: Zimmer (ed.), Regulierung für Algorithmen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Lectures at the Bonn Symposium of the Academic Association for the Whole of Regulatory Law on 7/8 September 2020, 2021

  • Misleading the ecologically conscious consumer through deceptive packaging and downsizing, WRP 2021, 447-454 (together with Maria Psallidaki) Link
  • Algorithm-Based Pricing in Online Retailing As Concerted Practice Covering the 'Predictable Agent' With Article 101 (1) TFEU, published via SSRN: Link1 Link 2
  • Official enforcement of unfair competition law to optimise the protection of competition, WRP 2019, 283 Link
  • Algorithm-based pricing in online retail as a concerted practice - A contribution to overcoming the "Predictable Agent" via Art. 101 (1) TFEU, NZKart 2019, 2
  • Review: Maximilian Lukas Wehage, Abuse control of water prices and water charges under German and European antitrust law, WuW 2019, 29
  • On the application of the concept of customer facilities pursuant to section 3 no. 24a EnWG to local direct supply concepts, EnWZ 2018, 387
  • Property liability according to the liability association of the mortgage and land charge, in: Juristische Methodenlehre und Immobiliarsachenrecht, Tübingen 2015, pp. 217-234
  • Trade mark delimitation agreements, non-aggression obligations and declarations of priority, NZKart 2015, 90-98
  • The Promotion of Renewable Energies by EU Member States from the Perspective of European State Aid Law and Fundamental Freedoms, Collected Papers of the Law Faculty of the University of Split 2014, 165-186(pdf)
  • The "Smart Grid" as a regulated technological innovation and market concept for the energy industry, InTer 2013, 14-21
  • On the constitutional limits for antitrust control of fees, WuW 2013, 246-250
  • Antitrust law limits to the levying of charges under public law, NZKart 2013, 17-25
  • Collective bargaining agreements between collective bargaining autonomy and antitrust law, JZ 2011, 1091-1102, together with Dr iur. Jochen Mohr.
  • Competition law obligations of district heating network operators, RdE 2011, 277-286, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker.
  • Definition of an undertaking, jurisdiction of cartel offices and legal recourse in public-law service relationships, BB 2011, 648-654.
  • Tendering obligations in the case of self-performance and inter-municipal cooperation. Effective protection of competition through functional public procurement law, VergabeR 2011, 27-45.
  • Connection and access regulation: Non-discriminatory transparent access to electricity supply networks, article in: Handbook on German-Russian Energy Law, 2010.
  • The division of the relevant electricity markets, article in: Handbuch zum deutsch-russischen Energierecht, 2010.
  • The German Federal Court of Justice affirms the coherence of German and European Competition law and German Civil law concerning anticompetitive practices (Subcontractor II), 10 December 2008, e-Competitions, n°26362, www.concurrences.com.
  • Comment on BGH, decision of 14 August 2008 - KVR - Stadtwerke Engen, ZWeR 2009, 232-244.
  • The German competition authority rejects the failing firm defence and prohibits a merger between two hospital (Mariahilf / Asklepios), 6 June 2007, e-Competitions, n°24304, www.concurrences.com.
  • The German competition authority prohibited the acquisition of the hearing aid business (GN ReSound / Phonak Holding), 11 April 2007, e-Competitions, n°23002, www.concurrences.com.
  • The end of the "small networks"? - Consequences of the Citiworks judgement of the ECJ (Leipzig Airport) for the object network element in § 110 EnWG, ZNER 2008, 123-132, together with Dr iur. Katharina Vera Boesche.
  • Interim enforcement of mergers in interim legal protection. Comment on the Phonak resolution of the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf of 8 August 2007, WuW 2008, 28-33, together with Dr iur. Eckhard Bremer, LL.M. (Harvard) and Dr iur. Christoph Wünschmann, LL.M. (London)
  • The Effects of the ECJ's Case Law on In-House Transactions on Public-Private Partnerships, WRP 2007, 282-298, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker.
  • Legal problems of mobile telephony regulation with regard to § 30 para. 1 sentence 1 TKG. Lowering of the fee level due to voluntary maximum price agreements?, K&R 2007, 20-26, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker.
  • The commercial agent in competition. On the assessment of commercial agency distribution under Art. 81 (1) EC in the light of current decision-making practice, in: Boesche/Füller/Wolf, Festbeigabe für Franz Jürgen Säcker, Berlin 2006.
  • The order of suspensive effect of the appeal in price approval proceedings pursuant to § 23a EnWG, NVwZ 2006, 865-871, together with Professor Dr iur. Dr rer. pol. Dr h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker and Dr iur. Ansgar Schönborn.
  • Much ado about small grids. § 110 EnWG and the treatment of object and area networks according to §§ 17, 20 EnWG and §§ 19, 20 GWB, ZNER 2005, 285-301, together with Dr iur. Katharina Vera Boesche.