Dr. Stefanie Lindow

Dr. Stefanie Lindow


Office: Research Building C19 / 01/20

Phone: +49 361 737-2222
E-mail: stefanie.lindow@uni-erfurt.de

Office hours:
Wednesday, 14:00 to 15:00,
during the semester break by appointment by e-mail

Positions & Memberships

since 2024 Researcher at the Department for Social, Organizational, and Economic Psychology, University of Erfurt
2021 - 2024 Project manager in the "KEEP-Panel Thuringia: Cognitive development of decision making competencies and societal participation"
2013 - 2021 Project manager in the research project "Probabilistic decisions in children"
2009 - 2013 Researcher at the Department for Social, Organizational, and Economic Psychology, University of Erfurt
2014 Ph.D. ( Dr. phil.) at the University of Erfurt (topic: decision making in children
2007 - 2009 M.Sc. at the University of Erfurt: Psychology; master thesis: "Der Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren auf Urteile über Zeit und Häufigkeit" [The influence of environmental factors on judgments of time and frequency]
2004 - 2007 B.A. at the University of Erfurt (major: Teaching, Learning, and Training Psychology, minor: Education)

Lindow, S., Aßmann, L., & Breuer, L. E. (2023). Wie Kinder lernen, (klimabewusst) zu entscheiden: Von der Bedeutung der Quellen- und Informationsbewertung [How children learn to make (climate-oriented) decisions: On the importance of evaluating information and its source]. Kita und Gesundheit, 19, 5–7.

Lindow, S. & Aßmann, L. (2022). Aller Anfang ist schwer: Wonach Kinder entscheiden [Every beginning is hard: How children decide]. Kinderschutz Aktuell, 3, 12–15.

Lindow, S., Aßmann, L., & Breuer, L. E. (2023). In was für einer Welt werden unsere Kinder leben? Die Gründung des Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour [What kind of world will our children live in? The foundation of the Institute for Planetary Health Behavior]. Praxis Schul-psychologie, 35, 13.