Prof. Dr. Tilmann Betsch

Prof. Dr. Tilmann Betsch

Professor of Social, Organizational, and Economic Psychology

Office: C23 - Mitarbeitergebäude 1 / 813

Phone: +49 361 737-2221

Office hours: I am doing a research semester in the winter semester 2023/24.

If you have urgent questions regarding teaching and examinations, please contact Ms. Engel in the secretary's office:

Positions & Memberships


Betsch, T. (2018). Medienwahl – Anmerkungen aus der Sicht der Entscheidungsforschung. In C. Wilhelm, N. Podschuweit, M. Hofer & T. Koch (Eds). Medienwahl - Aktuelle Konzepte, Befunde und methodische Zugänge (pp. 19-34). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Betsch, T., & Roth, P. (2018). Intuitive thinking. In L.J. Ball & V.A. Thompson (eds.), Routledge international handbook of thinking and reasoning (pp. 37- 56). New York: Taylor & Francis – Routledge.

Betsch,T., Ritter, J., Lang, A., & Lindow, S. (2016). Thinking beyond boundaries. In L. Macchi, M. Bagassi, & R. Viale (Eds.), Cognitive Unconscious and Human Rationality (pp. 241-256). MIT Press: Cambridge (MA).

Betsch, T. (2008). Klugheit im Umweltbezug: Die Balance zwischen Routinisierung und Kontextualisierung. In A. Scherzberg et al. (ed.), Klugheit (pp. 153-180). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Betsch, T. (2008). The nature of intuition and its neglect in research on judgment and decision making. In H. Plessner, C. Betsch and T.Betsch (eds.), Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making (pp.3-22). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Plessner, H., Betsch, T., Schallies, E., & Schwieren, C. (2008). Automatic online formation of implicit attitudes towards politicians as a basis for intuitive voting behaviour. In H. Plessner, C. Betsch and T.Betsch (eds.), Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making(pp. 107-117). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Betsch, T. (2005). Preference theory – an affect-based approach to recurrent decision making. In T. Betsch & S. Haberstroh (Eds.). The routines of decision making (pp. 39-65). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Betsch, T., & Haberstroh, S. (2005). Research on the routines of decision making: Advances and prospects. In T. Betsch & S. Haberstroh (Eds.). The routines of decision making (pp. 359-376). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Betsch, T., & Haberstroh, S. (2005). The routines of decision making: Preface. In T. Betsch & S. Haberstroh (Eds.). The routines of decision making (pp. ix-xxv). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Betsch, T., Plessner, H., & Schallies, E. (2004). The value-account model of attitude formation. In G.R. Maio & G. Haddock (eds.), Contemporary perspectives on the psychology of attitudes (pp. 251-273). Hove: Psychology Press.

Betsch, T., & Pohl, D. (2002). The availability heuristic: A critical examination. In P.Sedlmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Etc. - Frequency processing and cognition (pp. 109-119). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Betsch, T., & Sedlmeier, P. (2002). Frequency processing and cognition: Stock-taking and outlook. In P.Sedlmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Etc. - Frequency processing and cognition (pp. 302-318). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Haberstroh, S., Betsch, T., Glöckner, A., Haar, T., & Stiller, A. (2005). The impact of routines on deliberate decisions: The microworld-simulation COMMERCE. In T. Betsch & S. Haberstroh (Eds.). The routines of decision making (pp. 211-229). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Haberstroh, S., & Betsch, T. (2002). Online strategies versus memory-based strategies in frequency estimation. In P.Sedlmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Etc. - Frequency processing and cognition (pp. 205-220). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sedlmeier, P., Betsch, T., & Renkewitz, F. (2002). Frequency processing and cognition: Introduction and overview. In P.Sedlmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Etc. - Frequency processing and cognition (pp. 1-17). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dickenberger, D. & Betsch, T. (1992). Sozialpsychologie und Pädagogik. In: B.Möller (Ed.),Logik der Pädagogik - Pädagogik als interdisziplinäres Aufgabengebiet, Band II. Oldenburg: BIS.

Betsch, T. (2022). Science Matters! Wissenschaftlich statt querdenken. Heidelberg: Springer

Betsch, T., Funke, J., & Plessner, H. (2010). Denken: Urteilen, Entscheiden und Problemlösen. Heidelberg: Springer.

Scherzberg, A., Betsch, T., Blanke, H.-J., Peukert, H., Thumfart, A., Walgenbach, P., & Wegner, G. (2008) (Eds.). Klugheit – Begriffe, Konzepte, Anwendungen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Plessner, H. Betsch, C., & Betsch, T. (2008) (Eds.). Intuition in judgment and decision making. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Scherzberg, A., Betsch, T., Blanke, H.-J., Walgenbach, P., Waschkuhn, A., & Wegner, G. (2006) (Eds.). Kluges Entscheiden - Disziplinäre Grundlagen und interdisziplinäre Verknüpfungen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Betsch, T., & Haberstroh, S. (2005) (Eds.). The routines of decision making. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum

Sedlmeier, P., & Betsch, T. (2002) (Eds.). Etc. - Frequency processing and cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Betsch, T., & Schmid, J. (1999). Aggression. Themenheft der Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie (Vol. 30).

Betsch, T. (1995). Das Routinen-Modell der Handlungsselektion. Aachen: Shaker.