Doctoral candidates

Speaker of the doctoral candidates

PhD scholarship holder (Professur für Bildungsforschung und Methodenlehre)
(Faculty of Education)
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Name Supervisor:in Topic
Jasmin Lilian Bauersfeld   Title of dissertation to follow
Marcus Berger Professor Dr Gerd Mannhaupt From distributed to shared knowledge through collaborative problem-based learning. A university didactic approach to building professional knowledge through problem-orientated collective learning processes.
Thomas Bock Professor Ernst Hany Expertise and competence development through practical school studies (provisional title)
Daniel Kühne Professor Dr Gerd Mannhaupt Systematic reading promotion in primary schools through phonics and multiple reading methods
Andreas Lederer Professor Dr Johannes Bauer The role of epistemic thinking in the selection and evaluation of sources on education-related topics
Seraphim Schirrmacher Professor Dr Verena Weidner Aesthetic education or blind actionism? A qualitative study on the experience of leisure in music lessons
Isabell Tucholka Assistant professor Dr Bernadette Gold Preliminary title: On the use of authentic teaching videos in teacher training - Cognitive and emotional processes of student teachers when analysing teaching videos in relation to classroom management
Christoph Zietz Assistant professor Dr Bernadette Gold Construction of tasks for digital qualitative spelling diagnostics using dictations in primary schools


Katja Bianchy
Nadine Böhme
Jochen Kirchhoff
Skadi Neubauer
Antje Nitsch


Name Supervisor Topic
Anna Adler Professor Dr Susanne Jurkowski Sensitisation of educational professionals in dealing with shy children in daycare centres
Lea Kallenbach Professor Dr Kathrin Dedering Resonance and alienation in the paradigm of evidence-based management of the school system
Sandra Klaubert Professor Dr Ernst Hany Inclusive support for gifted and talented students in teacher education
Sophie Moderegger Professor Dr Gerd Mannhaupt Analytical and receptive approaches to text-free picture books
Madeleine Müller Professor Dr Bernadette Gold Correlations between pedagogical-psychological competence of teachers, teaching quality and student performance - differential effects of different survey formats
Lukas Mundelsee Professor Dr Susanne Jurkoski Shyness and Students' In-Class Participation: Exploring Facilitating Factors and Individual Differences
Cedric Steinert Professor Dr Susanne Jurkowski Team Teaching in Higher Education