Members of the ESE are the full-time staff of the University of Erfurt and the students if they are enrolled in a degree programme at the University of Erfurt for which the ESE is responsible.
Further members are appointed by the Board of Directors of the Erfurt School of Education on a task-related basis. These are experts who work together in projects and working groups on the respective objectives for a specified period of time. Solutions are sought for specific tasks in teacher training (e.g. digitalisation or internationalisation) and concepts for further development are developed. Born members are the students in the master's programmes for teaching professions, the director, the director of studies, the managing director, the employees for internships and research, further education and training as well as all members of the MaL examination board.
Board of Directors
Direktorin der Erfurt School of Education (ESE) (Erfurt School of Education)
Scientific management
Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer (Erfurt School of Education)
Daniela Bocklisch
Internship department
Dr. Madlen ProtzelWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Erfurt School of Education)
Dr. Andrea SchmerbauchWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Erfurt School of Education)
Maria Trüpschuh
Dual secondary school teaching program
Dr. Ina SemperKoordination Studienangebot Duales Regelschullehramt (Erfurt School of Education)
MEd examination board
Inhaberin der Professur für Inklusive Bildungsprozesse bei Beeinträchtigungen von Sprache und Kommunikation (Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät)
ELsA - Erfurt student teachers abroad
Dr. Madlen ProtzelProjektleitung: ELsA - Erfurter Lehramtsstudierende im Ausland (Erfurt School of Education)
Clemens ErnstWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt "Erfurter Lehramtsstudierende im Ausland (ELsA)" (Erfurt School of Education)
Dr. Sina WestaProjektkoordinatorin "QUALITEACH" (Erfurt School of Education)
Maria Trüpschuh