My research is focused on behavioral macroeconomics and centered on the modeling of expectations. Much of my work here is built on the concept of pattern recognition. This research program combines experimental methods and applied econometrics. A further area of research is the modeling of boundedly rational banks and their role in financial boom-bust dynamics. Last, in my historical work I focus on the coevolution of quantitative methods in academic economics and in business practice.
Vorträge 2017:
University of Delhi (Delhi School of Economics)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Department for Resource Economics)
University of South Florida (College of Arts and Science)
Vorträge im September 2016:
International Monetary Fund (European Department)
Virginia Commonwealth University
Vorträge im Januar/Februar 2016:
Claremont Graduate School
Santa Clara University (Leavey School of Business)
Vortrag im November 2015:
University of Newcastle (Faculty of Business and Law)
Vorträge im September 2014:
University of Missouri, St. Louis
San Francisco State University
Vortrag im April 2014:
Stern School of Business, New York University (NY, USA)
Vorträge im Juni/Juli 2013:
Simon Fraser University
Western Economic Association International, Seattle
ZEW, Mannheim
Vorträge im März 2013:
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University (Experimental Econimics Center)
University of South Florida (College of Arts and Science)
Vorträge im März/April 2012:
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Research Department)
Florida State University, Tallahassee (Experimental Social Science Research Group)
Vorträge im September 2011:
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (Research Center for Behavioral Economics)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Experimental Economics Program)
Vortäge im Februar 2011:
Florida International University, Department of Economics (School of International and Public Affairs)
University of South Florida
Vortrag im Januar 2011:
The Decision-Making and Economic Psychology Center (DMEP) (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Vorträge im Januar 2010:
Duke University (NC, USA)
Moore School of Business, University South Carolina (SC, USA)
Vorträge im Oktober 2009:
Stern School of Business, New York University (NY, USA)
Rutgers University (NJ, USA)