As climate change accelerates and global challenges become more interconnected, the European External Action Service stands at a critical juncture. The Mediterranean region, both a climate hotspot and a nexus of geopolitical and energy challenges, requires a coordinated and strategic approach by the European Union.
Traditional, siloed policy approaches fail to capture the nuance of the intertwined dynamics underpinning climate, energy and security, making a new approach imperative. Against this backdrop, the Capstone report, produced by a joint student team from the Brandt School and the European Forum of Hebrew University Jerusalem, recommends embedding nexus thinking into the operations of the European External Action Service.
The team developed the NDM tool as a strategic and heuristic instrument for addressing these complex challenges, mean for the European External Action Service (EEAS) to leverage its unique strengths as a convener, and position itself as a leader in addressing the region’s pressing challenges and fostering sustainable solutions. During a three-day study trip to Brussels, the team profited from intense in situ conversations and exchange, including with the Special Envoys for Climate and Environment as well as Energy Diplomacy of the European External Action Service (EEAS), experts from pertinent think tanks such as E3G, and industry representatives.
The Capstone project was jointly mentored by Professor Andreas C. Goldthau of the Brandt School, and Professor Lior Herman of the European Forum, Hebrew University Jerusalem.