Master's Thesis

The master's thesis is a comprehensive piece of academic work that makes up a significant part of your academic achievements in the Master of Education programme. A clever choice of topic and method for the thesis will not only enable you to engage with your chosen specialisation in a motivated way. It also gives you the opportunity to make an important contribution to your professionalisation with regard to the teaching profession. You can be inspired by particularly successful work from previous semesters (see here).

You should observe the following basic guidelines for your thesis:

"The master's thesis is an application-oriented written or artistic/practical examination achievement with which the candidate should demonstrate that he or she is able to independently work on a problem from the areas of learning covered in the degree programme using scientific methods within a specified time and present the results appropriately." (MEd-PO-R § 2 (6))

In the various Master's degree programmes, the thesis can be completed in the following areas:

MEd Vocational Schools

  • in subject science/didactics of the general education subject
  • in subject science/didactics of the vocational specialisation
  • in the educational sciences (incl. vocational education)
  • in connection with several of the above-mentioned subject areas

MEd Special Needs Pedagogy

  • on a special educational topic

MEd primary schools

  • in subject science/didactics of a basic subject (German, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science)
  • in subject science/didactics of the specialisation subject (minor of the Bachelor's degree programme)
  • in the educational sciences
  • in combination with several of the above-mentioned subject areas

MEd secondary schools

  • in subject science/didactics of one of the two teaching subjects
  • in the educational sciences
  • in combination of several of the above subject areas

Further explanations can be found in the applicable study and examination regulations.

To the examination regulations


Deadlines for Master's Theses in the MEd*

*Please note that the procedure differs in the Department of Elementary Education and Special Needs Education. Details and deadlines can be found on the respective websites.
Semester Submission of the (digital) application Confirmation of the topic Begin of the research period Date of Submission
Winter 2023/24 by 10.08.2023 from 12.09.2023 12.09.2023 12.02.2024
Summer 2024 by 11.01.2024 from 15.02.2024 15.02.2024 15.07.2024
Winter 2024/25 by 09.08.2024 from 12.09.2024 12.09.2024 12.02.2025
Summer 2025 by 10.01.2025 from 14.02.2025 14.02.2025 14.07.2025
Winter 2025/26 by 11.08.2025 from 12.09.2025 12.09.2025 12.02.2026
Summer 2026 by 12.01.2026 from 16.02.2026 16.02.2026 16.07.2026
Winter 2026/27 by 10.08.2026 from 11.09.2026 11.09.2026 11.02.2027
Summer 2027 by 11.01.2027 from 15.02.2027 15.02.2027 15.07.2027
Winter 2027/28 by 10.08.2027 from 14.09.2027 14.09.2027 14.02.2028
Summer 2028 by 11.01.2028 from 11.02.2028 11.02.2028 11.07.2028
Winter 2028/29 by 10.08.2028 from 12.09.2028 12.09.2028 12.02.2029
Summer 2029 by 11.01.2029 from 16.02.2029 16.02.2029 16.07.2029