Förderer und Partner des Max-Weber-Kollegs

  • Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala (Sweden): The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCAS) is an institute for advanced study in Uppsala, Sweden. It is affiliated with Uppsala University and one of the nine member institutions of the Some Institutes for Advanced Study Consortium. The Collegium was founded in 1985.
  • Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) (Bulgaria): The Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) is an independent non-for-profit institution set up for the promotion of advanced scholarship and academic cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • New Europe College Institute for Advanced Study (NEC), Bucharest (Romania): The New Europe College (NEC) is an independent Romanian institute for advanced study in the humanities and social sciences founded in 1994. Since 1994, the NEC community of fellows and alumni has grown to include over 500 members. In 1998 the New Europe College was awarded the prestigious Hannah Arendt Prize for its achievements in setting new standards in research and higher education.
  • German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Munich (Germany): The German Archaeological Institute is an institution of research within the field of archaeology (and related fields), and a "scientific corporation", under the auspices of the federal Foreign Office of Germany.
  • German Historical Institute (GHIL), London (Germany): The German Historical Institute London is an academically independent institution and part of the Max Weber Foundation German Humanities Institutes Abroad. It promotes research on medieval and modern history, in particular on the comparative history of Britain and Germany, on the British Empire and the Commonwealth, and on Anglo-German relations.
  • Center for Urban History of East Central Europe: The Center for Urban History is a non-profit and non-government research and public history institute. The Center strives to encourage research and cooperation in the study of urban history in Ukraine and internationally. 
  • Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel) (Germany): The international centre for research into the cultural history of medieval and early modern Europe holds many rare books and manuscripts. The unique, universal collecting policy of its founders made it a source of study for all historical disciplines. The library has an internationally well-established fellowship programme, organizes conferences and carries out its own research projects.
  • Forschungsbibliothek Gotha (Research Library in Gotha) (Germany): The Forschungsbibliothek Gotha is one of the most important historical libraries in Germany. The library grew out of the collections of the Duchy of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg which were founded in the 1640s and continuously expanded through acquisitions in the following centuries.
  • Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach (German Literature Archive in Marbach) (Germany): The German Literature Archive in Marbach (DLA) is one of the most important literary institutions worldwide. Its collections safeguard an abundance of precious sources from literary and intellectual history.
  • Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle (Francke Foundations Halle) (Germany): With the library and archive in the August Hermann Francke Study Centre, the Francke Foundations Halle possess extensive historical sources for researching the cultural and educational history of the early modern age, particularly Pietism and the early Enlightenment. Research and study projects are carried out partly with external partners and with the support of German Research Foundation (DFG) and other major sponsors. Academic conferences and meetings are also held here regularly.
  • King’s College London, Department of Theology and Religious Studies (Great Britain): The Department of Theology & Religious Studies at King's College London is a vibrant department reflecting a wide range of approaches to the study of religion: anthropological, cultural, economic, historical, political, philosophical, sociological, textual, and theological. There is a particular focus on the three 'Abrahamic' religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and their interaction.
  • Mc Master University’s Faculty of social Science and Faculty of Humanities, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada): One of only four Canadian universities ranked among the top 100 in the world, McMaster university is a research-intensive institution dedicated to teaching, research and service. Intensive cooperation exists with the Lawrence Krader Research Project.
  • Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena (Italy): The Fondazione Collegio San Carlo is a non-for-profit private institution that carries out functions of public importance in the field of education and culture with a focus on philosophy, the humanities and social sciences and religious studies.
  • Zentrum für Deutschlandstudien an der Universität Peking (German Studies Centre of Peking University) (China): The German Studies Centre of Peking University is an interdisciplinary research and educational institution. Faculties from different departments of the humanities and social sciences of the university collaborate on research and educate students from professional backgrounds who have some knowledge of German society and culture. The German Studies Centre has close ties with many universities and research institutions in Germany and China.
  • University of St. Andrews (Great Britain): The Institute of Intellectual History, University of St Andrews, boasts one of the largest concentrations of high profile intellectual historians in the world. Research is conducted from ancient to modern times into every aspect of intellectual history and on a global scale.
  • Wilhelm-Röpke-Institut (Germany): Founded in 2007 and based in Erfurt, the Wilhelm-Röpke-Institut e.V. is a research institute dedicated to the advancement of the research program of ordoliberalism and constitutional economics (Ordnungsökonomik).