Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
Universitätsgesellschaft Erfurt e.V.
Vereinigte Kirchen- und Klosterkammer
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala (Sweden): The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCAS) is an institute for advanced study in Uppsala, Sweden. It is affiliated with Uppsala University and one of the nine member institutions of the Some Institutes for Advanced Study Consortium. The Collegium was founded in 1985.
Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) (Bulgaria): The Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) is an independent non-for-profit institution set up for the promotion of advanced scholarship and academic cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
New Europe College Institute for Advanced Study (NEC), Bucharest (Romania):The New Europe College (NEC) is an independent Romanian institute for advanced study in the humanities and social sciences founded in 1994. Since 1994, the NEC community of fellows and alumni has grown to include over 500 members. In 1998 the New Europe College was awarded the prestigious Hannah Arendt Prize for its achievements in setting new standards in research and higher education.
German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Munich (Germany): The German Archaeological Institute is an institution of research within the field of archaeology (and related fields), and a "scientific corporation", under the auspices of the federal Foreign Office of Germany.
German Historical Institute (GHIL), London (Germany):The German Historical Institute London is an academically independent institution and part of the Max Weber Foundation German Humanities Institutes Abroad. It promotes research on medieval and modern history, in particular on the comparative history of Britain and Germany, on the British Empire and the Commonwealth, and on Anglo-German relations.
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe: The Center for Urban History is a non-profit and non-government research and public history institute. The Center strives to encourage research and cooperation in the study of urban history in Ukraine and internationally.
Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel) (Germany): The international centre for research into the cultural history of medieval and early modern Europe holds many rare books and manuscripts. The unique, universal collecting policy of its founders made it a source of study for all historical disciplines. The library has an internationally well-established fellowship programme, organizes conferences and carries out its own research projects.
Forschungsbibliothek Gotha (Research Library in Gotha) (Germany): The Forschungsbibliothek Gotha is one of the most important historical libraries in Germany. The library grew out of the collections of the Duchy of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg which were founded in the 1640s and continuously expanded through acquisitions in the following centuries.
Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle (Francke Foundations Halle) (Germany): With the library and archive in the August Hermann Francke Study Centre, the Francke Foundations Halle possess extensive historical sources for researching the cultural and educational history of the early modern age, particularly Pietism and the early Enlightenment. Research and study projects are carried out partly with external partners and with the support of German Research Foundation (DFG) and other major sponsors. Academic conferences and meetings are also held here regularly.
King’s College London, Department of Theology and Religious Studies (Great Britain): The Department of Theology & Religious Studies at King's College London is a vibrant department reflecting a wide range of approaches to the study of religion: anthropological, cultural, economic, historical, political, philosophical, sociological, textual, and theological. There is a particular focus on the three 'Abrahamic' religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and their interaction.
Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena (Italy): The Fondazione Collegio San Carlo is a non-for-profit private institution that carries out functions of public importance in the field of education and culture with a focus on philosophy, the humanities and social sciences and religious studies.
Zentrum für Deutschlandstudien an der Universität Peking (German Studies Centre of Peking University) (China): The German Studies Centre of Peking University is an interdisciplinary research and educational institution. Faculties from different departments of the humanities and social sciences of the university collaborate on research and educate students from professional backgrounds who have some knowledge of German society and culture. The German Studies Centre has close ties with many universities and research institutions in Germany and China.
University of St. Andrews (Great Britain):The Institute of Intellectual History, University of St Andrews, boasts one of the largest concentrations of high profile intellectual historians in the world. Research is conducted from ancient to modern times into every aspect of intellectual history and on a global scale.
Wilhelm-Röpke-Institut (Germany): Founded in 2007 and based in Erfurt, the Wilhelm-Röpke-Institut e.V. is a research institute dedicated to the advancement of the research program of ordoliberalism and constitutional economics (Ordnungsökonomik).
Alte Synagoge Erfurt (Old Synagogue Erfurt): The Old Synagogue Erfurt is the oldest synagogue in Central Europe that has been fully preserved. In 2009 an extraordinary museum and space was created here, in which the medieval remainders of the Erfurt Jewish community can be viewed.
Evangelische Akademie Thüringen (Protestant Academy of Thuringia):The Evangelische Akademie Thüringen is one of two academies founded by the Protestant church in Central Germany. By organizing conferences, lectures and exhibitions the Thuringian academy appeals to ecclesiastically and spiritually demanding contemporaries. The main concerns of the academy in Thuringia are: theology, history and politics, political youth education, media, culture and society as well as work and economy.
Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen (EEBT) (Protestant Adult Education of Thuringia): EEBT is an institution for further education held by the Evangelical Church of Central Germany. It offers a broad range of cultural, social, religious and political further education. EEBT operates under a public mandate and manages 1800 events annually with 30.000 to 40.000 participants. In the course of projects ranging from the local to the European level, EEBT provides networks, highly qualified personal and spaces. EEBT is certified under the quality management system for education institutions.
Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle (Francke Foundations Halle) (Germany): With the library and archive in the August Hermann Francke Study Centre, the Francke Foundations Halle possess extensive historical sources for researching the cultural and educational history of the early modern age, particularly Pietism and the early Enlightenment. Research and study projects are carried out partly with external partners and with the support of German Research Foundation (DFG) and other major sponsors. Academic conferences and meetings are also held here regularly.
Freier Rundfunk International Erfurt e.V. (Radio F.R.E.I.) (Free International Radio Broadcasting Erfurt):Radio F.R.E.I. is an independent, self-administrated, and non-for-profit local radio station. The working practices of the radio station are based on openness and democratic participation. Radio F.R.E.I. is distinguished by a high percentage of spoken-word content. Radio producers attach importance to critical and alternative perspectives and are interested in cultural and political, as well as scientific issues.
Industrie- und Handelskammer Thüringen (Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Thuringia):The Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Thuringia represents the economic and political interests of more than 65 000 business companies in the fields of industry, trade and services. It is an organisation dedicated to the self-administration of the commercial sector. It not only provides services to its members but also to the state, aiding it in its responsibility for economic development. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Thuringia has ten regional service centres in Thuringia.
Nachhaltigkeitszentrum Thüringen (Centre for Sustainability of Thuringia):The Nachhaltigkeitszentrum Thüringen motivates and supports the process of sustainable development. Its focus is to promote processes outlined in the LOCAL AGENDA 21, as well as Education for Sustainable Development (BNE) in municipalities and towns. It gives advice to decision makers and stakeholders who are in charge of these processes. It operates countrywide and organises conferences, meetings and also the transfer of knowledge.
Stadtverwaltung der Landeshauptstadt Erfurt (Municipality of Erfurt): The Municipality of Erfurt considers itself to be a partner in the administration and politics of the urban community. It aims to create an Erfurt sustainability strategy and to implement it in the future. It encourages and assists third parties when developing future-oriented forms and ways of life within their field of activity, thus building a bridge between administration and citizens.
Stiftung Ettersberg (Ettersberg Foundation) was set up in 2002 at the initiative of the Spanish author and Buchenwald survivor Jorge Semprun. It is dedicated to comparative research into European dictatorships and to exploring and re-examing the Socialist dictotorship in East Germany. The foundation also runs the Memorial and Study Centre Andreasstraße in the former Stasi remand prison in Erfurt.
Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora (Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation): Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation is a public law foundation with the purpose to preserve the sites of the crimes as sites of mourning and commemoration. The foundation further wishes to provide these sites with scientifically founded exhibitions and media to make them accessible to the public, as well as to promote public education by making research on these historical occurrences accessible to the public.
Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha (Foundation Friedenstein Palace Gotha):The Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein was founded 2004. It finances and maintains the Castle Museum with its historical rooms from the 17th to the 19th centuries and the Ekhof Theatre with functioning stage machinery from the 17th century. It also administers the historical ducal collections of art and nature.
TheoPrax Stiftung in Thüringen (TheoPrax Foundation in Thuringia): The TheoPrax Foundation aims to motivate young people in education through a unique synthesis of theory and practice. Due to a highly motivating and practice-oriented kind of education schools/universities and industry are combined with innovative partnerships.
Verband der Wirtschaft Thüringens e.V. (VWT) (Business Association of Thuringia):The Business Association of Thuringia is the umbrella organisation of Thuringian employer and trade associations. It represents the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) and the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI) on the regional level.