Östlund, Joachim


Senior research fellow
Associate professor (docent); PhD

Department of History, Lund University
P.O.Box 192
S-221 00 Lund, Sweden


Research interests
Natural law in the early modern era, diplomatic history, ransoming diplomacy and captives of war

A Swedish international law 1648-1815? The doctrines and teaching of international law at the Swedish universities [together with Per Nilsén]
For other projects see Östlund's homepage

Selected bibliography concerning Natural law

  • Books

Saltets pris: svenska slavar i Nordafrika och handeln i Medelhavet 1650-1770, Nordic Academic Press, Lund 2014. (ISBN 9789187675164)


  • Articles and book chapters

“Sweden, Barbary Corsairs, and the Hostis Humani Generis: Justifying Piracy in European Political Thought”, in Piracy in World History. Stefan Eklöf Amirell, Bruce Buchan and Hans Hägerdal (eds.). Amsterdam University Press 2021

“Swedish reciprocal ransoms and multinational solutions to insecurity in the Mediterranean, c. 1720–1740”, in Journal of the British Academy 2021

Introduction & source publication, Mémoire universitaire sur la piraterie [Autour: Magnus Thelaus, Uppsala 1716] Kystforlaget, 2010

Introduction & source publication, Dissertation académique traitant brièvement de La Maurétanie, de Fes, de Maroc et d´Alger [Johannes Helding, Stockholm 1699] Kystforlaget, 2010