| Equal opportunity office, University, International, Service

New support for cases of racially motivated attacks

Students and employees of the University of Erfurt now have access to a new support service for cases of racially motivated attacks. The initiators are the International Office and the Diversity Officer, who now want to implement the offer as a result of the International Affairs Commission and a round table that took place in 2024.

As part of the "AntiRaktiv" project of the umbrella organization of migrant organizations in Eastern Germany (DaMOst e.V.), the “MigraNetz Thüringen” association offers multilingual community-based counselling for people affected by racism. The counselling sessions take place every fortnight during the lecture period on Thursdays from 3 to 5 pm in the communication and information centre on campus (KIZ) | room 0.09 (room of the University Health Management behind the left entrance of lecture hall 1) and are confidential on request. The first appointment is Thursday, 10 April. All further dates can be found in our calendar of events on the website.

contact MigraNetz Thuringia:
e-mail: antiraktiv@migranetz-thueringen.org
phone: 03643 87777 46

further information / contact:

Diversity Officer
(University of Erfurt)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.40

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