Dr. Asuman Lätzer-Lasar
asuman.laetzer-lasar@uni-erfurt.deJunior Fellow (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)
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Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien
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99089 Erfurt
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Universität Erfurt
Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Personal Information
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 15th July 2017: Postdoc Fellow (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, since 10/2018 Member of the DFG-funded Humanities Center for Advanced Studies „Religion and Urbanity. Reciprocal Formations“ FOR 2779
- 07-08/2016 Visiting scholar at UC Irvine, California, USA, Guest of Prof. Dr. A. Karanika
- 05-06/2016 Visiting scholar at Stanford University,Palo Alto, California, USA, Guest of Prof. Dr. G. Parker
- 06/2013 – 07/2017 Assistant Director (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the Center for Advanced Studies Morphomata, University of Cologne
- 07/2013 Ph.D. in Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, University of Cologne (title: „Kultureller Austausch in Kleinasien. Studien zu pergamenischer Importkeramik in Ephesus (Archäometrie und Kulturwissenschaften)"
- 04/2010 – 12/2012 Research Assistant (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) at the Center for Advanced Studies Morphomata, University of Cologne
- 10/2009 – 03/2013 Fellow at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Cologne (fultime PhD-scholarship)
- 02/2009 – 07/2013 PhD-studies in Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, University of Cologne
- 10/2008 – 06/2009 Fellow „auf dem Gebiet der Archäologie“ of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF), Vienna (fultime scholarship)
- 02/2008 Magister Artium (title: "Studien zu einem späthellenistisch-frührömischen Fundkomplex aus dem Hanghaus 2 in Ephesus")
- 04/2001 – 02/2008 M.A. studies, University of Cologne, Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, Classical Archaeology, Ancient Sinology and Islam Studies
- Summer semester 2005 Exchange student: Tamkang University, Danshui, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Turkey: Sillyon (since 2020) with Dr. M. Taşkıran (Pamukkale/Hamburg) and B. Özdemir (Nevşehir), Patara (2016-2017), Ainos (2013-2015), Ephesos (2004-2015), Adıyaman (2004-2005), Gaziantep (2002-2006)
Greece: Aigeira (2011-2013)
Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar (09-10/2008)
China: Hancheng, Province Shaanxi (10/2007)
Germany: Cologne (2006-2008)
Hancheng, Province Shaanxi (10/2007)
Cologne (2006-2008)
Research Project
Mapping Urban Deathscapes. The burial and commemoration practices within the experienced city of Rome
Although the Twelve Table Law has stipulated since the 5th century BCE that the dead must be buried outside the city, around 80 burial sites from the republican until late antique period are found within the "experienced“ city. This indicates that the world of the living was more interwoven with the world of the dead than previously assumed. These burial sites could contain single or up to even thousands of burials. Some of the burial places might have been initially built in the periphery of the city, but as the city expanded and the territory became denser, they became an unmissable part of the inner city. Additionally, the long after-use of several monuments provides manifold insights into the biographies of objects and the related changing place identities. Since the Romans worshipped their ancestors several times in a year, be it on public holidays or also on individual occasions, such as the day of the death or the birthday of the deceased, the social practice of commemorating had a severe impact on the rhythm of the whole city.
By using a digital mapping as well as GIS tools, such as viewshed analysis, the project investigates the reciprocal relations between burial sites and the urban. The focus is set on the contextual urban embeddedness of the burial sites in a diachronic perspective to trace object and place biographies, as well as on the usage, visibility and accessibility of the burial sites that indicate the religious and social practices
- with S. Neumann/J. Steinhauer (Eds.), Beneath the surface: Re-negotiating gendered agency, Special Issue for Brill, Journal "Religion and Gender“
- with E. Urciuoli (Eds.), Urban Religion in Late Antiquity, Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten Bd. 76 (De Gruyter). ISBN 9783110641172.
- Die vermeintlich pergamenische Importkeramik in Ephesos. Studien zur Typologie, Provenienz und Herstellungstechnik von so genannter Weißgrundiger Ware, Applikenkeramik und Pergamenischer Sigillata. Archaeopress Archaeology (Oxford). ISBN 9781789696097
- with S. Josifovic/Y. Guo (Eds.), Metaphysical Foundations of Knowledge and Ethics in Chinese and European Philosophy, Internationale Konferenz vom 24.-25. Juni im Internationalen Forschungskolleg Morphomata, Universität zu Köln, Morphomata Bd. 8 (München 2014).
- Chinese translation: 知识与伦理的形上学基 (Zhishi yu lunli de xing shangxue ji), Konfuzianismus und die moderne Gesellschaft Serie 2, Anhui Volksverlag (Hefei 2014)
- Placemaking of the Dead (accepted), in: M. Christ/C. González Gutiérrez, Death and the City in Premodern Europe, Special Issue for Mortality (Taylor & Francis).
- Pour une nouvelle approche de l'évaluation des religions anciennes - Le « Religious Ancient Placemaking » (accepted), in: C. Bonnet (Ed.). Mapping the Gods.
- Das religiöse Placemaking als praxisorientierter Zugang. Eine urbanistische Perspektive auf die Archäologie antiker Religion (accepted), in: T. Kienlin/R. Bußmann (Eds.), Sociality, Materiality, Practice, Kölner Beiträge zur Archäologie und Kulturwissenschaften.
- with K. P. Hofmann: Archaeology and Sacred Space: On ancient and contemporary practices of the (de-)sacralization of the Palatine in Rome (accepted), in: D. Bachmann-Medick/J. Kugele/K. Stornig (Eds.), Conceptualizing Sacred Space(s). Perspectives from the Study of Culture Special Issue, Saeculum. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte.
- Lemma in german & english: City/Stadt (accepted), in: J. Bremmer/G. Petridou/J. Rüpke (Eds.), Der Neue Pauly Supplement “Religion in Context”.
- The dialectics of religious placemaking. Exploring the relations between the different Mater Magna venerations in republican and imperial Rome, in: F. Mazzilli/D. Van der Linde (Eds.), 'Dialectics of Religion in the Roman World, Religion in the Roman Empire Jahrgang 7, Heft 2 (Mohr Siebeck) 129-144.
- Challenging the Concept of “Landscape Biography” – Theoretical Considerations on Cult Transfers in the Roman Empire by Using the Case Study of the Mater Magna Veneration, in: D. Marzoli – S. Reinhold – U. Schlotzhauer – H. Schnorbusch – B. Vogt (Eds.), Kontaktmodi. Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen »Mobilität und Migration« und »Zonen der Interaktion« (2013–2018), Menschen – Kulturen – Traditionen. Studien aus den Forschungsclustern des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 17 (Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden). 83-93.
- with R. Raja/R. Rüpke/E. R. Urciuoli, Intersecting Religion and Urbanity in Late Antiquity, in: A. Lätzer-Lasar/E. R. Urciuoli (Eds.), Urban Religion in Late Antiquity, Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten Bd. 76, 1–13 (De Gruyter).
- Mining Religious Aspirations in Imperial Rome, in: M. Gori (curated), Resources and Transformations in Pre-modern Societies, Metalla, Sonderheft 10, 2020, 127-131.
- Köpfe und Porträts auf hellenistischer Keramik aus Ephesos, in: T. Greub/M. Roussel (Eds.) Figurationen des Porträts. Festschrift für Dietrich Boschung zum 60. Geburtstag (Fink Verlag München 2016).
- Das römische Handelsnetz von Ainos: Ausgewählte Keramik vom Späthellenismus bis zur Spätantike, RCRF Acta 44, Xanten 2014, 1-8.
- with Gauß, W., Smetana, R., Dorner J., Eitzinger P., Leibetseder M., Regner C., Tanner A., Trapichler M., Old and New Observations from the Theatre at Aigeira, in: R. Frederiksen/ E. R. Gebhard/A. Sokolicek (Eds.), The Architecture of the Ancient Greek Theatre, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Vol. 17, Aarhus. Aarhus University Press and the Danish Institute at Athens. 267-278.
- Vom symposium zum convivium. Trinksitten in Ephesus vom Späthellenismus bis in die frühe Kaiserzeit. in: P. Henrich/Ch. Miks/J. Obmann/M. Wieland (Eds.), Non solum … sed etiam. Festschrift für Thomas Fischer zum 65. Geburtstag (Rahden/Westf. 2015), 251-257.
- with L. Peloschek, Microstructural Characteristics of Appliqué Wares from Ephesus, in: H. Meyza (Ed.), Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine wares of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia - their production, imitation and use, Acta of IIIrd Nieborów Pottery Workshop (Warschau 2014), 59-70.
- The Guodian Manuscripts in their archaeological-historical context, in: S. Josifovic/Y. Guo/A. Lätzer-Lasar (Eds.), Metaphysical Foundations of Knowledge and Ethics in Chinese and European Philosophy, Internationale Konferenz vom 24.-25. Juni im Internationalen Forschungskolleg Morphomata, Universität zu Köln, Morphomata Bd. 8 (München 2014), 83-96.
- Nets working for Ephesus – using the example of Pergamenian imports in Ephesus during the Roman occupation period, in: N. Fenn/C. Römer-Strehl (Eds.), Networks in the Hellenistic World - According to the Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond, Internationale Konferenz vom 23.-26. Februar an den Universitäten Köln und Bonn, BAR International Series 2539 (Archaeopress Oxford 2013) 173-180.
- with W. Gauß, R. Smetana, J. Dorner, P. Eitzinger, A. Galik, A. Kurz, M. Leibetseder, C. Regner, A. Tanner, M. Trapichler, G. Weissengruber, Aigeira 2011. Bericht zu Aufarbeitung und Grabung, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts Bd. 81, 2012, 33-50.
- Import oder indigen? Methodische Überlegungen zu Fabricbestimmungen pergamenischer Importkeramik in Ephesos, in: B. Ramminger/O. Stilborg (Eds.), Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Keramik II. Dritter und vierter internationaler Workshop für junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in Hamburg am 13. Februar 2010 und 5. Februar 2011, Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie Bd. 216 (Bonn 2012) 217-228.
- Özel seramik, özel üretim. Helenistik kent Efes‘in kabartmalı seramiği, in: E. Tataroğlu/P. Türkdemir/G. İşlek (Eds.), 1. Sanat ve Tasarım Eğitimi Sempozyumu. Dün - Bugün - Gelecek, 27.-29. April 2011 (Ankara 2011) 304-308.
Under the name A. Lätzer
- Geç Hellenistik – Erken Roma Ev Seramik Envanteri. Yamaç Ev 2’de Sondaj B6´dan çıkan seramik malzemesinin sınıflandırması ve analizi, in: B. Tekkök/C. Işık (Eds.), Helenistik ve Roma Dönemi Seramik Çalışmaları Sempozyumu, 11.-14. Juni 2009 in Kaunos. Ege Yayıncılık İstanbul. Not published.
- Studien zu einem späthellenistisch-frührömischen Fundkomplex aus dem Hanghaus 2, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Bd. 78, 2009, 123-220.
- with M. Blömer, Ein Grabrelief aus der Nekropole von Perrhe, in: E. Winter (Ed.), ΠATPIΣ ΠANTPOΦOΣ KOMMAΓHNH. Neue Funde und Forschungen zwischen Taurus und Euphrat, Asia Minor Studien, Bd. 60, 2008, 227-230, Taf. 1; 33, 1. 2.
- Various Lemmata in: Sporn, K. (Ed.), Europas Spiegel. Die Antikensammlung im Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum Aachen (Wiesbaden 2005).
Scientific Translations
- J. Wagner, The beginnings of archaeological research at Zeugma. Recollections of my survey 1971-1974, in: Ergeç, R. (Ed.), International Symposium on Zeugma in Gaziantep (Gaziantep 2007).
- Information panel of the Limes section at Erlensee in Hessen (2007).
- Renkli tanrılar (Colourful gods). Co-translation of the the catalogue of the exhibiton in the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul (Istanbul 2006).
Non-scientific Publications
- From a 'Chubby' Goddess to the Virgin Mary – Encountering Religious Placemaking in Rome, blog of the KFG Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations, https://urbrel.hypotheses.org/875 (2020)
- In jeder Lebenslage, Alumni report for the annual report 2013 of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Cologne (Cologne 2014)