| Max-Weber-Kolleg

Zwischen Frömmigkeit, Konsumkultur und Feminismus

Gabriel Malli

Buchcover: Gabriel Malli: Zwischen Frömmigkeit, Konsumkultur und Feminismus

The ‘Muslim woman’ is an object of political concern in European societies. Their supposed living conditions are discussed emotionally, with speakers constantly producing prescriptive statements about what a ‘Muslim woman’ should be like. This study, on the other hand, focusses on the perspective of actors who see themselves as Muslim: using the case of German-language YouTube videos by Muslim producers, it reconstructs subject models that suggest how a morally and aesthetically ‘correct’ life as a Muslim woman can be led in a secular context. In this digital discourse arena, conservative preachers, Muslim lifestyle influencers and feminist activists come together and produce contradictory templates of a Muslim life in the field of tension between secular and religious gender discourses. By interweaving post-structuralist subject theories and neo-materialist affect theories, the study offers an innovative conceptual option for the growing field of subjectivation research and provides tools for analysing discourses in digital media.

Information about the publication
Gabriel Malli
Zwischen Frömmigkeit, Konsumkultur und Feminismus
Zur diskursiven Konstruktion und affektiven Animation muslimisch-weiblicher Subjektpositionen
Part of the book series: Subjektivierung und Gesellschaft/Studies in Subjectivation (SG)
Springer VS Wiesbaden, 2024
Pages: XV, 295
ISBN (print): 978-3-658-43434-2
ISBN (eBook): 978-3-658-43435-9
DOI: doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-43435-9