| Max-Weber-Kolleg

Die Beziehungsqualität der materiellen Welt. Perspektiven einer weltbeziehungssoziologischen Analyse von Materialität

Martin Repohl

Things influence relationships: They break, they are easy to throw away, some are considered to be alive and we keep our distance from others. Their materiality shapes how we relate to them, what we can do with them and what they do to us. Their nature determines how we can experience things, ourselves and the world. The things that surround us condition the relationships we can build with the world. Things have material relational qualities that can be discovered and experienced. By analyzing this phenomenon, we show how materiality enables or inhibits the possibility of resonance and alienation and develop proposals for a resonance-sensitive culture of things.

Martin Repohl was a doctoral researcher at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt from 2019 to 2023. The results of his research can be found in the dissertation "The relational quality of the material world. Perspectives of a world-relations sociological analysis of materiality", now published by Nomos.

More information about the publication:

Martin Repohl
Die Beziehungsqualität der materiellen Welt
Perspektiven einer weltbeziehungssoziologischen Analyse von Materialität
Nomos, 2024
ISBN (print): 978-3-7560-1541-2
ISBN (eBook): 978-3-7489-4346-4
442 pages, EUR 104,-

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