From 2016 to 2019, researchers led by Dr. Joar Haga (Stavanger/Oslo) and Dr. Sascha Salatowsky (Gotha) at the Gotha Research Library ran the academic network entitled “Lutheran Orthodoxy revisited: Confessional patterns between identity commitment and 'cosmopolitanism'”. It was sponsored by the German Research Foundation. In a total of five workshops, the interdisciplinary and international network set itself the task of critically re-evaluating the term “Lutheran orthodoxy”, which was to be examined in terms of its theoretical meaningfulness and practical usability with regard to the paradigm of confessionalisation. The aim was to make the Lutheran confession visible in its significance for the systematic further development of Reformation theology, for the shaping of church and social life, and for the evolution of a specific formation of early modern religious culture. Within the framework of a comprehensive revision process, the network arrived at a conceptual recasting of the hermeneutic access, which led from the historiographically narrow category of Lutheran orthodoxy via Lutheran confessional culture to the heuristically more open concept of early modern Lutheranism. An anthology with the results of the individual projects is to be published in 2021.
Project term: 2016 - 2019
Patrons: German Research Foundation
Funding amount: Euro 59,775
Dr Sascha Salatowsky (FB Gotha), Dr Joar Haga (MF Norwegian School of Theology)