The private library of the beekeeper Carl Wilhelm Kalb was a bubbling source of old and new bee knowledge. The Gotha Research Library has digitised rare monographs and journals from this historical collection. This project was funded by the Thuringian State Chancellery as part of the "Books, Parks and Gardens" project. The library talk is now devoted to questions about the bee library and the history of beekeeping and bee research.
In 1842, Kalb met August von Berlepsch in Gotha, who is considered the inventor of the movable comb. Both beekeepers jointly ran a bee garden and were involved in the travelling meetings of German beekeepers in Arnstadt and Gotha in 1850 and 1864, as well as in the founding of the Section for Beekeeping in the Thuringian Horticultural Society. Why did Carl Wilhelm Kalb collect bee literature and which books did his library contain? Who were the players in beekeeping and bee research in Gotha and the surrounding area around the middle of the 19th century? How were they networked? What bee housing and operating methods did the beekeepers use, what discoveries and innovations were under discussion? This and more will be the topic of the "Gotha Library Talk" on 6 July.
Dial-in to the event is possible via the following link: