Forschungszentrum Gotha - CG3 / Raum-Nr. 2.08
by arrangement
Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt (FZG)
Schloßberg 2
99867 Gotha
Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt (FZG)
Schloßberg 2
99867 Gotha
since November 2024
TSK project "Digital Edition: the personal letters of Hereditary Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach to her mother Empress Dowager Maria Fedorovna in St. Petersburg 1818-1819", Gotha Research Centre
Research employee at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, TSK project "Correspondence between Hereditary Duchess Maria Pavlovna and her mother, Empress Maria Fedorovna at the Russian Tsar's Court, 1817-18", headed by Professor Dr Carola Dietze
Research employee at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, DFG project "Western and Russian envoys report on the "changed" Russia: Diplomatic (language) practices as indicators and factors of change and knowledge accumulation (ca. 1680-1730)", headed by Univ.-Professor Jan Kusber
Research employee at Justus Liebig University Giessen as part of the CRC/TRR 138 "Dynamics of Security. Forms of securitisation in historical perspective", Head: Dr Carola Dietze
Research employee at the Archive of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck and contract for work and labour at the European Hanseatic Museum Lübeck
Contracts for work and labour as part of the project "Development of an online communication and publication platform for the institutes of the Foundation and at the Archive of the Hanseatic City of Wismar
Research assistant at the Mission française historique en Allemagne (Göttingen)
Doctorate (Dr. phil.) with the dissertation "Die Hanse um 1600. Handlungsspielräume der politischen Kommunikation im Wandel" at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (supervisor Professor Dr Ernst Schubert, doctoral supervisor Professor Dr Peter Aufgebauer, second supervisor Professor Dr Frank Rexroth)
Award from the Dr Walther Liebehenz Foundation for a linguistically outstanding dissertation by a foreign graduate of the University of Göttingen (2010)
Doctoral candidate at the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) "Values and Value Change in Medieval and Modern Times" in Göttingen
Doctoral studies in Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Georg-August-University Göttingen
Doctoral scholarship holder of the Gerda Henkel Foundation
Research scholarship holder of the DAAD at the Christian-Albrecht-University of Kiel
Diploma in History (supervisor Dr Michail Bojcov)
Studied at the Mikhail Lomonosov University in Moscow, specialising in Medieval and Modern History
Digital edition: the personal letters of Hereditary Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach to her mother Empress Dowager Maria Fedorovna of Russia, 1818-1819
The project idea consists of the digital edition of the personal correspondence between Hereditary Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna (1786-1859) and her mother Empress Dowager Maria Fedorovna. This correspondence, which is kept in the Main State Archives in Weimar, provides unique insights into the Weimar relationship during Goethe's time and the international significance of the Weimar court after the reorganisation of Europe following the Congress of Vienna. At the centre of the letters are key dramatic events such as the Weimar press feud, the assassination of August von Kotzebue and the subsequent Carlsbad Resolutions, which are understood as a manifestation of the "Restoration Era".
The aim is the open access publication of a selected number of letters using the workflow already developed and taking into account digital editing standards. The publication is being carried out in collaboration with the Thuringian cultural heritage institutions. It is intended to deepen the digital infrastructure and provide the impetus for subsequent large-scale edition specifications emanating from Thuringia.
The project follows on directly from the pilot study, which was realised as a joint project between the University of Jena (Professor Dr Carola Dietze, building on the research of PD Dr Franziska Schedewie) and the Thuringian University and State Library (ThULB) thanks to funding from the Thuringian State Chancellery in 2022-2023. The difference in content to the pilot study, which focussed on the news from the Wartburg Festival in 1817, is that the current project includes the period 1818-1819, which was highly critical for Weimar, in the edition.
The Hanseatic League in times of crisis. Room for manoeuvre in changing political communication (1550-1620) (= Quellen und Darstellungen zur hansischen Geschichte, N.F. 61), Cologne and others 2016.
(together with Carola Dietze and Nikolaus Katzer) Dynamics of Security in Russia in the Age of Revolution and Restoration 1790-1840. To be published 2025.
- "Müßiggang des Geistes" und "verderblicher Luxus des Halbwissens": Die öffentliche Bildung als Gegenstand der inneren Sicherheitspolitik im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts, in: Carola Dietze, Iwan Iwanov and Nikolaus Katzer (eds.), Dynamiken der Sicherheit in Russland im Zeitalter von Revolution und Restauration 1790-1840. To be published 2025.
- Projekt razvitija narodnogo obrazovanija v bolgarskich zemljach posle Krymskoj vojny v dokladnych zapiskach Najdena Gerova (=The project for the development of public education in the Bulgarian lands after the Crimean War in the memoirs of Nayden Gerov), in: Peterburgskij istoričeskij žurnal 42 (2024), 2, pp. 61-71.
- Petr I i ponjatie političeskoj sistemy v donesenijach germanskich poslannikov vtoroj poloviny 1720-ch godov (=Peter I and the concept of system in the reports of German envoys in the second half of the 1720s), in: Rossija i Germanija v epochu Petra Velikogo. Istoričeskie i kul'turnye svjazi, St. Petersburg 2020, pp. 141-151.
- Narodnoe prosveščenie v kontekste pravitel'stvennoj politiki posle vosstanija dekabristov (=The "Enlightenment of the People" in the Context of Government Policy after the Decembrist Uprising), in: Vladimir V. Jakovlev (ed.), Aleksandr II i ego vremja. K 200-letiju so dnja roždenija, St. Petersburg 2019, pp. 194-210.
- Die Ausdifferenzierung staatlicher Gewaltakteure nach dem Untergang des Ancien Régime am Beispiels Bayerns, in: Carola Westermeier, Horst Carl (eds.), Sicherheitsakteure. Epochenübergreifende Perspektiven zu Praxisformen und Versicherheitlichung, Baden-Baden 2018, pp. 65-80.
- Hansische Niederlassungen in Russland um 1600, in: Hansische Geschichtsblätter 133 (2015), pp. 163-181.
- From Moscow to Lübeck and back. Russian language students on the trail of the Hanseatic League, in: Michael Hundt, Jan Lokers (eds.), Hanse and City. Actors, Structures and Developments in the Regional and European Area. Festschrift for Rolf Hammel-Kiesow on his 65th birthday, Lübeck 2014, pp. 447-470.
- A forgotten source on the history of the Hanseatic legation to Moscow in 1603: Zacharias Meyer's travelogue in the Lübeck Rehbein Chronicle, in: Zeitschrift für Lübeckische Geschichte 93 (2013), pp. 67-120.
- The Hanseatic legation to Moscow in 1603: an interplay or juxtaposition of representations?, in: Otto Gerhard Oexle, Michail A. Bojcov (eds.), Images of Power in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Byzantium - Occident - Russia (Publications of the Max Planck Institute for History 226), Göttingen 2007, pp. 475-506.
- Dary ganzejskogo posol'stva v Moskvu 1603 goda (=The gifts of the Hanseatic legation to Moscow in 1603), in: Aleksej K. Levykin (ed.), Dekorativno-prikladnoje iskusstvo Zapadnoj Evropy (Materialy i issledovanija; Muzej-zapovednik Moskovskij Kreml', vypusk 18), Мoskau 2006, pp. 78-90.
- Steven Müller-Uhrig, Who rules Russia? Das Aufbegehren des russischen Adels 1730 als vermeintliche Gefährdung der Monarchen Europas, Vienna et al. 2021, in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, vol. 70, p. 3/4 (2022), pp. 576-578.
- Marcus Mühlnikel: "Prince, are you unharmed?". Assassinations in the German Empire 1871-1914, Paderborn 2014, in: H-Soz-Kult 27 July 2016, available at
- in: Revue de l'Institut français d'histoire en Allemagne (IFHA), available at
- in: Hansische Geschichtsblätter and Journal of Lübeck History.