The Economics, Law and Social Sciences Forum e.V. is organising a panel discussion on the topic together with the Catholic Forum in the State of Thuringia, the Heinrich Böll Foundation Thuringia, the Max-Weber-Kolleg, the Augustinian Convent "St. Martin von Tours" Erfurt, Philosophia e.V. and the Bildungswerk im Bistum Erfurt e.V. (Educational Institute of the Diocese of Erfurt):
"Who owns nature? - Legal, philosophical and political aspects"
The event will take place on Wednesday, 24 April 2024, 6 - 8 p.m. at the University of Erfurt, Nordhäuser Straße 63, research building "Weltbeziehungen", in seminar room C19.00.02/03.
Further information can be found here.