| Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

New Publication on "Lessons Not (Yet) Learned: What African Countries Could Teach the Global North about One Health during the Pandemics."

Cases of entrepreneurial and exemplary implementation of the intersectoral and bottom-up One Health policy in Africa can be a chance for the Global North to enhance pandemic preparedness under a changing climate, argue Prof. Heike Grimm and colleagues in a new article published in the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

Pandemic Map
Unsplash/Martin Sanchez

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the extraordinary importance of pandemic preparedness for public policy. The article by Prof. Heike GrimmJuliane Corredor Jimenez, Lamin O. Ceesay (Brandt School Alumni) and Meseret Wondirad (Brandt School Alumni) draws on two case studies illustrating the multisectoral and bottom-up approaches, respectively, using document analysis and participatory observation. The cases demonstrate how the bottom-up community inclusiveness developed during the Ebola outbreak enhanced pandemic preparedness, and how community resilience was improved through sustainable entrepreneurs implementing One Health policies. The article draws important policy lessons for more resilient health systems in the Global North.

Read the whole article here.