| Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

Brandt School carried out a series of talks on career and future prospects

In March 2021, the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy offered a series of talks on career and future prospects to its students, which combined casual conversations, fireside chats and workshops with alumni and guests.

The series combined different events formats with speakers from diverse backgrounds. It started with casual conversations in which Brandt School's alumni share their perspectives on topics regarding life after concluding the MPP program. For the first alumni talk, Patricia Loggetto and Hidayati Pratiwi joined the Brandt School to share how was the transition to the labour market in their home countries, how they found their current possitions, and the challenges of getting back home after a period of two years in Europe. The second talk featured the alumni Tornike Kikishvili and Otto Dodoo, who told the students what helped them to find a position in Germany and the up and downsides of not being a national in the German labour environment. In the third alumni talk, the Brant School received Alice Murage, Mateeullah Tareen and Jorge Sellare to discuss academic opportunities and how to build a successful research career in and outside Germany. Finally, Atif Ikram and Danielle Al-Qassir, two Brandt School's alumni at the United Nations, talked over the possibilities of initiating and establishing a career at international organisations.

The Alumni-Talks were followed by a fireside chat with Simon Vaut, a German civil servant at the Federal Government, on political career, communication, speech building, and networking. The final event of the Career and Future Prospect Talks Series was a workshop held by Rita El-Meouchy, a senior education consultant and trainer, on interview and communication skills.

The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy thanks all speakers for the enlightening talks and all students for participating in the talks.

You can find more information about these and other past events at the Brandt School here

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