| Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Max-Weber-Kolleg, SPF Religion. Gesellschaft. Weltbeziehung., Forschung

New publication about the relationship between Jewish and Christian liturgy

"Analogy and Difference: The Dynamic Relationship of Jewish and Christian Liturgy" is the title of a new volume by Claudia D. Bergmann and Benedikt Kranemann, which has just been published by Aschendorff publishing house.

The relationship of Jewish and Christian liturgies in the course of history is very complex. One can observe, among other things, mutual influences and adoptions, but also differently motivated tensions. The anthology investigates topics ranging from antiquity to the present. Among them are contributions on Gen 22 in hymnological traditions, receptions and transformations of the Psalms, coexistence and confrontation in the Middle Ages, liturgies in contexts of social upheaval, and the relationship between liturgy and music. The essays from the areas of Jewish Studies, Cultural Studies, Religious Studies, and Liturgical Studies open up numerous perspectives on the relationship between Jewish and Christian liturgies, but also generate new research perspectives.

Claudia D. Bergmann und Benedikt Kranemann (eds.)
Analogy and Difference: The Ever-Changing Relationship of Jewish and Christian Liturgy
Analogie und Differenz: Das dynamische Verhältnis von jüdischer und christlicher Liturgie

(series: Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen, 112 )
Aschendorff publishing house, 2021
ISBN 978-3-402-11282-3
312 pages
46 EUR

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