| Max-Weber-Kolleg, Research, Personalia

Max Weber Prize for three early-stage researchers

As part of its annual academic celebration, the Max-Weber-Kolleg of the University of Erfurt awarded the Prize for Young Researchers on Monday, 9 January. The prize, worth a total of 1500 euros, is sponsored by the "Sparkassenstiftung Erfurt" and awarded every two years for outstanding dissertation or post-doctoral theses in the field of interdisciplinary cultural and social science research.


The award is given to work that shows historical depth and/or interest in normative questions and, in addition, applies Max Weber's research programme with a view to cultural, religious, and social science issues.

Three young researchers were awarded this year: Enno Friedrich (Karl-Franzens-University Graz) for his doctoral dissertation "Das Christliche Weltgewebe des Venantius Fortunatus - Weltbeziehungen und die Carmina" ("The Christian World Fabric of Venantius Fortunatus - World Relations and the Carmina"). In his work, he shows how the texts in the collections of the early medieval poet Venantius Fortunatus both reflect and help shape world relations in the early Middle Ages.

Daniel Benedikt Stienen (Humboldt University Berlin) received the award for his doctoral dissertation „Verkauftes Vaterland – Die moralische Ökonomie des Bodenmarktes im östlichen Preußen 1886-1914“ ("Sold Fatherland - The Moral Economy of the Land Market in Eastern Prussia 1886-1914."). This work shows that the market is by no means a value-neutral space of interaction, but that normative orientations were integrated into economic action through political action by national activists.

Sisi Sung (Max-Weber-Kolleg) was awarded for her doctoral dissertation "The Economics of Gender in China. Women, Work and the Glass Ceiling." She deals with interdisciplinary problems of gender justice using the example of women in the Management of Chinese companies.

Professor Hartmut Rosa, director of the Max-Weber-Kolleg: "We are very proud to again be able to award young researchers with the Max-Weber-Prize for Young Researchers and wish them all much success in their respective academic careers."

This year's awarding of the Max Weber Prize for Young Researchers will take place online at 6 p.m. Interested parties can register to participate: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/max-weber-kolleg/kolleg/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/eventdetail/verleihung-des-max-weber-preises-fuer-nachwuchsforschung.

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