| Gleichstellungsbüro, Hochschule

"Weltoffenes Thüringen" – University of Erfurt is part of it!

The University of Erfurt supports the "Weltoffenes Thüringen" initiative. The Senate voted in favour of this at its February meeting.

The initiative was born out of concern for democracy in our country. More than 6,200 institutions, organisations and private individuals have now signed as supporters. They stand up for a diverse Thuringia, for respect for human dignity and indivisible human rights, for plural democracy and the rule of law and for a state in which people are accepted and welcome in their diversity.

"Diversity is important to us – it is an integral part of our university's profile and is therefore also present on campus every day. We see it as an opportunity. Because we can benefit together from an open and constructive approach to diversity, individuality and plurality," explains the Presidium and also refers to the diversity strategy, in which the University of Erfurt also clearly positions itself:

People as they are, with different social backgrounds and educational biographies, in different life situations, with chronic illness and disabilities or healthy, with family responsibilities, with diverse gender and sexual identities, different skin colours, different migration histories, different nationalities and ethnic affiliations, religions, world views and a variety of other differentiating characteristics – they should all feel welcome at the University of Erfurt and see it as a place that they can help shape and develop."

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