| Gotha Research Library, Centre for Transcultural Studies, Gotha Research Centre, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Historisches Seminar, Seminar für Literaturwissenschaft, Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media

Symposium at the End

The research group "Cultural Techniques of Collecting" at the University of Erfurt will conclude its work of the past years with a symposium on 10/11 November. The symposium is open to the public and is entitled "Collecting in, collecting up, collecting in, collecting together, collecting out". Registration is requested.

The research group formed a forum for the diverse activities and research surrounding collecting and the different collections at the University of Erfurt. The aim of the joint work was to develop a theoretical perspective on collecting as a cultural technique. In this way, the research group continued the cultural technique research that had already been tested in previous years with a new focus at the University of Erfurt. The researchers' interest was focused on processes of collecting that are linked to practices and operations of selecting, arranging, preparing, preserving, storing, classifying, systematising or sorting etc. and that constitute something like a collection in the first place.

Through its members, various disciplines cooperated with each other in the research group: history, literature and communication studies, history of science and theology, but also colleagues from the Gotha research institutions – Centre for Transcultural Studies / Perthes Collection, Gotha Research Centre for the History of Knowledge of the Modern Era and Friedenstein Castle Foundation – as well as representatives of media and cultural studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Numerous discussion events, workshops and conferences contributed to the networking of the Thuringian research locations Erfurt, Gotha and Weimar.

The research group "Cultural Techniques of Collecting" had emerged in 2021 from the research group "Spatialisation and Cultural Techniques" (2017–2020), which was already based on the work of the Cultural Techniques Laboratory Group (2015–2017).

programme of the symposium

Friday 10.11.2023 (Gotha and Erfurt)

  • 2–4 p.m.: "Kleine Feldforschung in der Sammlung" (Gotha Perthes Collection)
  • 6:30 p.m.: welcome and lecture by Ilinca Iurascu (University of British Columbia, connected via Webex): "Gathering Dust: Franz Stoedtner, Particle Photography and the Image Collection of the 'Institut für wissenschaftliche Projektion'" (University of Erfurt, consultation room KIZ)
  • 8 p.m.: dinner

Saturday 11.11.2023 (Erfurt, consultation room KIZ, campus of the University of Erfurt)

  • 10 a.m.: Elisabeth Heyne, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: "Nebel im Glas. Über die Natur der Dinge im Anthropozän"
  • 11 a.m.: Dennis Niewerth, LVR Industrial Museum, Euskirchen: "Situationen sammeln? Vom Wert des Vorgefundenen und der Unmöglichkeit des Nicht-Inszenierens"
  • 12 p.m.: Romuald Tchibozo, Université d'Abomey Calavi: "Leipzig's Grassi Museum and African Art 1963–2014. Analysis of the Collection".
  • 1–2.30 p.m.: lunch
  • 2.30–4 p.m.: discussion/presentation with Irene Albers, Andreas Schmid, Stefan Schawe (Free University Berlin, University of Oxford): "Literatur als koloniale Beute? Provenienzgeschichten 1910–1921"
Please register by 3.11.2023.

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