| Interne Serviceseiten, Hochschule, Service, Studium, Zentrale Veranstaltungen

Dies Academicus 2023: "Participation – Resilience – Innovation. How does university succeed in the 21st century?"

Under the title "Participation – Resilience – Innovation. How does university succeed in the 21st century?", the University of Erfurt invites all students and employees to a "Dies Academicus" on Wednesday, June 7, an academic day on which regular teaching is interrupted, for example, in order to engage in a joint discussion about important issues on campus.

We want to talk. With each other. But also about the changing university. About what makes us the University of Erfurt and what moves us and moves us forward. We want to look at the status quo, as well as at developments and what we as a university can take away from the crises of the recent past and the strategies for overcoming them.

And because diversity and participation are in demand, all members of the university are expressly invited to this day. From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., we want to come together – for keynotes on the topics of democracy as well as innovation, and for casual opportunities to get to know each other, network, and share ideas. We would like to work in small groups and invite you to learn more about digitalization, resilience, sustainable action, democracy and participation as well as diversity and equality in different formats. We want to complement theoretical impulses, e.g. on the topic of democracy and participation, in a practical way - be it through the student plenary assembly taking place on this day or the opportunity to get to know your representatives* in the committees and interest groups. Overall, we would like to use this day to discuss together how university succeeds in the 21st century and to set new impulses.

In its meeting on February 8, 2023, the Senate of the University of Erfurt voted to hold this "Dies Academicus". The organization is the responsibility of a working group formed from the senate.


  • 8 – 9 am Kick-off: Breakfast together (cafeteria )
  • 9 – 10 am Keynote 1(Opening Plenary): Radikalität und Ermattung - Die Pole der Partizipationsdebatte und was dazwischen liegt  (Radicality and weariness - The poles of the participation debate and what lies in between) Prof. Dr. Pasternack (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
  • 1–2 pm Keynote 2 (Lunch Plenary): Erste Einschätzungen zum Einsatz Generativer KI an der Hochschule (Initial assessments of the use of generative AI at universities) Prof. Dr. Robert Jung (University of Hohenheim).
  • 3–5 pm Student /Mittelbau General Assembly with the Presidium
  • 5–7 pm Concluding panel discussion and summary of the day How does university succeed in the 21st century? Wie gelingt Hochschule im 21. Jahrhundert?
    Moderation: Julia Knop, Podium: Till Talaulicar, Elisabeth Menne, Theresia Piszczan, Marcus Berger und weitere

  • followed by a common conclusion

Following the keynote speeches, the morning (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.) and afternoon (2 p.m. - 3 p.m.) slots will offer the opportunity to explore the topics of democracy/participation, innovation, and resilience in more detail and to engage in conversation with one another.

We provide information about the programme, the respective venues and further details on our website for the "Dies Academicus". It will be updated on an ongoing basis.

+++ Please note that there will be no teaching on the day of the event. +++

contact person for further questions:

Representative from the group of employees for technology and administration
C02 - Verwaltungsgebäude / Raum 1.29

You are in the news section of the Gotha Research Library.

Further news, press releases and current topics can be found on the "News" pages of the University of Erfurt.