| Campus Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Forschungskolleg Transkulturelle Studien, Forschungszentrum Gotha, SPF Wissen. Räume. Medien., Veranstaltungen

Book launch: „Flucht. Eine Menschheitsgeschichte“

The Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt, in cooperation with the State Centre for Political Education, invites you to a book presentation by Andreas Kossert on Thursday, 1 July. It begins at 6.15 pm in the Augustinerkirche in Gotha. Kossert will read from his book „Flucht. Eine Menschheitsgeschichte“. Admission is free.

In his new book, the author, renowned expert on the subject of flight and expulsion in the 20th century and author of the bestseller "Cold Homeland", places the refugee movement of the early 21st century in a large historical context. Always close to the individual fates and in a moving way, he shows the existential experiences of uprooting and hostility that go hand in hand with the loss of one's homeland - and why it is so difficult for refugees and displaced persons at all times to put down new roots in a foreign land. Whether they fled from East Prussia, Syria or India: refugees are actors in world history - Andreas Kossert gives them a voice with this book.

"He shows that flight and expulsion are not the problem of others, but are deeply interwoven with one's own family history, especially in Germany, and creates a sense that it concerns everyone." (From the jury's statement of the NDR Kultur Sachbuchpreis for the award as best non-fiction book of the year 2020)


Andreas Kossert, born in 1970, studied history, Slavic studies and politics. The historian with a doctorate worked at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw and has been a research assistant at the Federal Foundation Flight, Expulsion, Reconciliation in Berlin since 2010. His historical accounts of Masuria (2001) and East Prussia (2005) as well as of the German expellees after 1945 ("Kalte Heimat", 2008) received enthusiastic reactions. His most recent publication was "Flucht. Eine Menschheitsgeschichte", which was awarded the NDR Culture Non-Fiction Book Prize 2020 and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's "Das politische Buch 2021" prize.

+++ Please note: For participation in the event, proof of a current negative COVID-19 test no more than 24 hours old, a complete vaccination or a survived COVID-19 illness is required! +++

Kristina Petri
Kristina Petri, M.A.
Research coordination (areas of responsibility: events, scholarship programme, visiting scholars)
(Gotha Research Centre)
Gotha Research Centre (Gotha, Schloßberg 2) / room 1.06
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