English Writing Center


The ENGLISH WRITING CENTER (formerly English Writing Lab) will be offered again this semester, and tutors are there to

  • check your writing task for problems (and find solutions; tutor does not correct, but rather point out)
  • listen to your talk or presentation (prerecorded on a sound file, and the two of you listen to it together)
  • go over presentation points to help with layout and structuring of the presentation
  • listen to your ideas for a presentation
  • listen to you read a text  (pronunciation practice)
  • listen to your reading (prerecorded on a sound file, and the two of you listen to it together)

WRITING tasks are to be typed, 12 font and at 1.5 line-spacing (Zeilenabstand).  No handwritten papers, please!

Mandatory for all English students taking part in a GLP 1 or GLP 2 course, but students from all fields of study are welcome.


To take part in the English Writing Center,search the course with the same name on Moodle (under "Semesterübergreifend") and sign in with the key "EWC2023".  You can find the generic schedule (with time slots) and links to the tutors’ personal rooms in the introductory information in the Moodle room. Please select the week and day you would like to virtually meet your tutor. Select one of the times (please check your calendar beforehand). You are allowed ONE slot per day. At the appointed time, open your tutor’s personal Webex room.

Sign in is available as of Thursday at 12.00 the week before.


English Grammar Lab

The Grammar Lab is a NEW offer for students in this semester. It offers students individual consultations on various grammar questions (including the use of tenses, modals, conditionals, sentence structures, etc).

Students can book a 20-minute slot in the Moodle room(key: EGL2023) and either make a face-to-face or online appointment. The face-to-face meetings will take place in MG 1, room 412.

The online meetings will be run on Webex (you need a laptop with a good internet connection and a camera).

Here is the link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/meet/beate.walter