eduroom – Werkstatt für Medienbildung, URMZ

Media technology in the classrooms: presentation & trying out

8. Oct 2024, 10.00 am
eTeach-Team Uni Erfurt
Event type
Event Language(s)
Teachers and employees

Please note the different start times and locations for the respective room types.

In cooperation with the University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ), the eTeach team is offering information events on the use and (didactic) possibilities of media technology in the university's classrooms at the start of the new semester - combined with the opportunity to try it out for yourself afterwards.

Media technology in the lecture halls

  • from 10 am
  • HS 4

In addition to projectors and microphone(s), high-quality visualisers and technology for hybrid events and recordings are also available in the lecture halls. Using lecture hall 4 as an example, media technology equipment and operation will be presented and tried out on site

Smart displays in the seminar rooms in LG 2

  • from 11:00 a.m.
  • LG 2 R. 106

In teaching building 2, smart displays are available in nine seminar rooms (R. 106 / 112 / 114 / 115 / 123 / 305 / 306 / 308 / 315), which replace the projectors and also offer further usage options. The smart displays will be presented in room 106 in LG 2 and their possible uses demonstrated. Of course, you can also try them out right away.

If you are interested, you can download the Openboard software to your own device in advance (for University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ)-registered devices, please send an informal email to with the inv. no. of the device).

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