eduroom – Media education lab, Faculty of Education

eTeach@eduroom: Prompting Werkstatt

11. Nov 2024, 9.00 am - 12.00 pm
C07 – teaching building 2, eduroom – Media Education Workplace, room 309 (Campus)
eTeach-Team Uni Erfurt and eduroom - Media Education Workshop
Maren Würfel (eduroom team, eteach team) and Thorsten Ziegler (eduroom team)
Event type
Event Language(s)
open to the university public

A university media-didactic workshop and exchange for lecturers.

We want to try out various AI tools together in a relaxed and participative atmosphere. We want to share experiences, learn from each other and network by exchanging ideas in the group.

We have been familiar with AI - whether it has positive or negative connotations - at least since Terminator or Matrix, and we discuss it. Artificial intelligence entered our everyday lives at the latest with algorithmic recommendation services in the social media context. However, AI has only been on everyone's lips since
the broad access to generative AI and, in particular, large language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT. At our university, too, there is great excitement and uncertainty about how AI is changing or is currently changing teaching, learning and assessment at our university.
So what is the 'right' way to deal with LLM or AI? Or to put it another way: how do I write prompts to 'commission' an AI for me? What does it mean for me as a teacher that students can also commission LLM? Which competences should we acquire ourselves and promote in students?
We would like to approach these and other questions in the "Prompting Workshop" by trying them out together. In a relaxed and participatory atmosphere, we will test various AI tools and engage in dialogue.

No prior knowledge or experience is required!

Registration is not necessary!

Just come along!

Registration is not necessary!

The event will take place online.