Studying Economics, Law and Social Sciences in Erfurt

The increasing global interdependence of politics, law, economics and culture is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Interdisciplinary knowledge, as conveyed in the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt, is therefore becoming increasingly important.


Our Degree programmes combine three main subject areas:
  • Law,
  • Social Sciences (Political Science & Sociology),
  • Economic.


In the study of Law you will acquire and deepen your knowledge of German and European law with its international implications and learn to apply this knowledge in areas relevant to political science. To this end, it conveys solid legal knowledge and the political, social and economic foundations of law as well as the ability to reflect on them theoretically. After completing your studies, you will be able to analyse issues and cases through a legal perspective, shape future legal relationships and contribute advancing the development of law.


Social Sciences

In the study of Social Sciences with its sub-fields of political science and sociology, you will deepen your knowledge of social orders, institutions and organisations. The Social Sciences explain how political and social arrangements are created, reproduced and transformed, and, in particular, how collectively binding decisions are made. In exploring these contexts, they emphasise historical, international and cultural comparison. The emphasis of qualitative and quantitative method training also highlights the role of the social sciences as empirical sciences.


Economics Science

In the study of Economics, you will analyse economic processes from different theoretical perspectives. You will examine organisations and households as actors and shapers of market processes that trigger intended and unintended consequences through economic action. From different perspectives, you will deepen your understanding of the functioning of decentralized markets. You will also explore empirically how private and public organisations operate, change and how their activities influence the economic process. A central aspect is also the possibilities and limits of correcting undesirable developments through institutional regulations and policy interventions.

Flyer "Studying Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt" (pdf, in German)

Job & Career Perspectives

Our policy experts work, for example:

  • in public or private international organisations,
  • in international and supranational institutions,
  • in national/federal governments,
  • in non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
  • in development cooperation,
  • in public and municipal administration,
  • in political and economic consultancy,
  • in political youth and adult education,
  • in peace and security policy,
  • in management consultancy,
  • in media and journalism,
  • in public relations work for e.g. political parties, associations and foundations,
  • in social science research (e.g. market and opinion research).

Our legal experts work, for example:

  • in legal advice to companies and associations,
  • in public administration,
  • in national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
  • in legal research,
  • in the management of private companies,
  • in public relations and politics.

Our economic experts work, for example:

  • in the private sector and state management,
  • in the banking and insurance sectors,
  • in industry and service-providing companies of all kinds,
  • in market research, opinion research and trend research,
  • in empirical economic research,
  • in associations and trade unions,
  • in national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
  • in public institutions,
  • in political parties and the public administration.

Bachelor's programme

How is the Bachelor's programme structured?

The Bachelor's degree programmes at the University of Erfurt comprise a major subject and a minor subject. You can combine subjects of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences or combine your major subject with a minor subject offered by another faculty at the University of Erfurt. Try out your desired combination with our online tool "Studimat":

go to Online-Tool Studimat

A special component of the main subject is the Studium Fundamentale, in which provides students with key competences through interdisciplinary courses and professionally oriented practical experience. After three years, you will attain your first academic degree with the Bachelor's degree which can serve as an entry into professional practice.

All degree programmes are modular. Modules are made up of sub-modules. Within these, courses are offered, such as lectures or seminars. During the course of study, each module is completed with a module examination.

The first year in the Bachelor's degree programme is called the orientation phase (O-Phase). In this year, you familiarise yourself with the university and examination system, get to know the field of study and also prove yourself in it. In the subsequent qualification phase (Q-phase), you will deepen the previous study contents and set your academic focus.

Our Bachelor's degree programmes

Landkarte mit Spielsteinen - Politiksimulation
International Relations to the Bachelor's programme
Skulptur von der Justitia
Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Law concentration to the Bachelor's programme
Studentin vor dem Europa-Parlament
Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Social Science concentration to the Bachelor's programme
Figuren auf einer Kurvenabbildung Wirtschaft
Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Economics concentration to the Bachelor's programme

Admission requirements & application

The admission requirement for a Bachelor's degree programme is the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification. Most of the Faculty's degree programmes are open-admission programmes, i.e. there is no limit to the number of applicants that may be admitted in a Degree Programme (no Numerus Clausus). Applicants can enrol directly in the Bachelor's degree programmes. One exception is the International Relations programme, where admission is restricted due to the limited number of places offered. Therefore, you must first apply for this programme and you may enrol once you are admitted.

go to application

Niklas studies at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt (in German)

Video Staatswissenschaften Uni Erfurt

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Master's programme

How are the Master's programmes structured?

Following the Bachelor's degree, you can choose from several consecutive (postgraduate) Master's degree programmes. The four-semester standard period of study of the Master's degree programmes includes a three-semester study phase (90 LP/ECTS) and one semester for writing the Master's thesis (30 LP/ECTS). You can find the exact study structure (modules) on the pages of the respective Master's degree programmes.

Our Master's programmes

Symbolbild Wirtschaft
Democracy and Economics to the Master's programme
Student mit Weltkugel in der Hand
Economics, Law and Social Sciences to the Master's programme
Geldschein und Kreuz - Wirtschaft und Kirche
Theology and Economy to the Master's programme

Admission requirements & application

The admission requirement for a Master's degree programme is an above-average Bachelor's degree in a subject related to political science. You can find the degree-specific requirements on the websites of the respective degree programmes.

to apply for a Master's programme

Stays abroad & language courses

Internship or study abroad

You can also take advantage of the University of Erfurt's numerous contacts to foreign partner universities in Europe, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Israel, Japan or China for an internship or study abroad. The International Office will be happy to assist you in organising your stay abroad.

Study and internship abroad

Diverse offer of language courses

The Language Centre offers numerous language courses in modern and ancient (foreign) languages and is an ideal partner for learning a new language or deepening your existing language skills.

Language courses and offers

Student und Studentin im Hörsaal
[Translate to English:] Internationale Beziehungen mit Globus
Studierende Politikwissenschaft Bundestagswahl

Students & Alumni

I study "Stawi" because...

Studentin Staatswissenschaften Annalisa
Student Annalisa

... I learn to better understand political and, above all, societal contexts. The first two semesters provide a great overview of the areas of law, economics, management, sociology and politics.

I studied "Stawi" because...

Alumnus Tobias MA Staatswissenschaften
Alumnus Tobias

... the interdisciplinary nature of the degree programme prepared me particularly well for my current job in business development at a large commercial law firm. As a result, I can quickly familiarise myself with different fields of work and topics and confidently apply my knowledge from my studies.

Why study Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt?
  • no limit to the number of applicants to be admitted (no Numerus Clausus, except International Relations)
  • excellent support right from the start: good start to studies with the Student Orientation Days 
  • interdisciplinarity: combination of politics, law, economics and sociology
  • international exchange programmes (study & internship abroad)
  • hands-on diplomacy: international student project Model United Nations (MUN)
  • living political science: Involvement in political interest groups and university groups
  • successful graduates: studies as a solid foundation for a good career

Financing your studies: BAföG & Co.

Even though there are no general tuition fees at the University of Erfurt: In addition to expenses for study materials, there are costs for rent, living expenses, insurance and leisure activities.

You can find an overview of options for financing your studies, such as BAföG or scholarships, on our website.

go to financing

Affordable living & housing in Erfurt

The cost of living in Erfurt is low compared to other cities. A nice room, healthy food, visits to the cinema and bars are all possible even on a small budget. You can use your semester ticket to travel free of charge on the tram or regional train throughout Thuringia and visit Erfurt's museums. 

By the way: You can apply for a place in a hall of residence as early as April at the Studierendenwerk Thüringen.

Living in Erfurt

University city Erfurt

From the campus you can get to the old town in ten minutes by tram or bike. It is one of the most beautiful medieval city centres in Germany. As the capital of Thuringia with around 200,000 inhabitants, Erfurt is a modern city with historical flair.

Student life in cosy cafés, pubs and clubs, an opera house as well as parks, museums and galleries characterise the city's rich cultural offerings. 

go to University city Erfurt

Engagement & University Sports

Studying is a great opportunity to get involved in various committees and interest groups such as the Student Council (StuRa) or the student councils, or to take advantage of the university sports facilities. With more than 150 courses in over 80 sports, the University Sports Association Erfurt (USV) offers a wide variety.

go to University Sports (USV)

Studying at the University of Erfurt - on the road with Nathalie and Pauline (in German)

Vorschaubild Studieren an der UE

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Studieninteressierter beim Hochschulinfotag
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Studentin im Eingangsbereich der Uni Erfurt
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