| Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, SPF Bildung. Schule. Verhalten., Forschung, Personalia

Emerald Literati Award 2024 for Benjamin Dreer-Göthe

For his article "Well-being and mentoring in pre-service teacher education: an integrative literature review", the Editorial Advisory Board has honoured Dr Benjamin Dreer-Göthe, Scientific Managing Director of the Erfurt School of Education, with the Emerald Literati Award 2024. The article was published in the International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education in 2023.

The research prize, which has been awarded since 1993, honours scientific publications that

  • are likely to have an impact on society and can bring about real change beyond the academic world;
  • make a new contribution to the body of knowledge, either in terms of approach or topic;
  • have an excellent structure and presentation;
  • are well and clearly written;
  • show coherence in argument or analysis;
  • are relevant to practice and/or further research;
  • are up-to-date and cite the most recent or important work in the relevant field of research.

The article by Benjamin Dreer-Göthe is about mentoring, which plays a central role in teacher education because it promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience. Studies indicate that there is a close link between mentoring and the well-being of the people involved. However, little is known about this link and the underlying mechanisms. This article uses an integrative literature review to investigate the extent to which the well-being of mentors and mentees is related to process and quality variables of mentoring. The results lead to a theoretical framework model that can serve as a basis for future research into the relationship between wellbeing and mentoring.